miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014


Aladdin was a humble, good and young partner. He lived in Arabia with his mother, because his father had died when he was very young. But Aladdin liked to remember. "Your father's name was Mustafa 'I said his mother, a hardworking and honest man, but a strange jealously guarded secret."
One morning, when he went to the market to shop, a mysterious subject stopped him on his way, saying that he knew his father. "Did you ever Dad?" He asked with unusual curiosity.
The man replied, "Mustafa was my cousin, I'm your uncle", and accompanied him home filling him with gifts. Her mother found something suspicious because Mustafa never spoke to him in such relative, but when he was generous with Aladdin, agreed to go aside for a walk through the woods. They walked up to the entrance of a desolate cave. "You have to enter ordered the subject because there is a magic lamp that will make us rich." But Aladdin refused, the man struggled and was proceeding force, walling up the entrance with a huge rock. Did you mourn, but what they saw his eyes left him stunned: "Gee Whiz is a fabulous treasure!". Were chests of coins, gold jewelry and bright; but his life was in danger.

Then he saw the lamp. "It would be really magical" thought, and to clean the dust, a thundering noise hurt his ears, poking the image of a genius, who with his powerful voice he said, "Master, I am here to serve. Ask me what you want, you will be served. "Aladdin could not believe it and yet already felt that he could not breathe. He then ordered the genie, "Take me where my mother." And he was transported home. Told him everything to his mother, who said, "I love you live before all the gold in the world." Meanwhile, the supposed uncle fled to Africa, but soon return. Aladdin gold partitioned among the poorest and asked the genie to grant him the love of the Sultan's daughter. When he did, the happiest man on earth felt. The course uncle was indeed an old enemy of Mustafa and returned to steal the Wonderful Lamp. He did so, but genius, tired of abuses returned where Aladdin. The thief, to enter the house of the son of Mustafa in search of treasure, stumbled upon the gendarmes who sought him for a long time.

Aladdin and his beautiful wife traveled the world on the magic carpet that granted the kind genius and were very happy. End.


1. Did you marry aladino?
2. Who was mustafa?
3. What did aladino`s father happen?
4. What did do aladino with the lamp?
5. How did live aladino?

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